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London based luxury watch e-store got new website design

London based luxury watch e- store got new website design

Silver luxury watch on a man's wrist. Rich and shimmering watch approach design.

Project Summary

Time is the most precious resource in our lives. It's something we can never get more of or take back once it's gone. We can't control time; we can only watch it pass in small pieces. The main idea behind the Watch Approach project is to emphasize how valuable time is.

We've created a store that showcases high-quality watches. WA online store is designed to be both visually appealing and easy to use, while also respecting the traditional style of the watch industry.

Smartphones displaying the design of the Watch approach online store, with a watch lying next to it.
Red wristwatch, photo shoot of Watch approach products.
Classic watch on a woman's hand. Rebranding photo set.
Classic watch on a woman's wrist. Photo shoot of watches from the Watch approach company.
Mobile phone on a red background displaying the Watch approach website new design.
Watch approach site design visualization on tablet Large amounts of information are presented through visual cards
Blue watch on a man’s hand, photo shoot for the design of the Watch approach company
The screen of a tablet and phone displays the design of an online watch store

the unspeakable value of time...

the grocery grid is equipped with convenient filters
Blue OMEGA watch for a man's wrist
Black laptop, the screen displays the Watch approach website design page
 A sheet showing a product card for an online watch store
ZENITH watch on a wooden surface
Two images of watch sales banner ad designs.

when it comes to buying a watch, it's always now

Online store watch product cards on an orange and green background.
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